A lot of activity in Caféland is ordering and serving various dishes. Once served, customers take servings from them at random. This is the main way to earn coins and experience in the game.

The cookbook

The cookbook

"Too Many Servings"

If you see a message in the Cookbook saying that you have too many in servings and if it won't let you cook more than that specific dish, it means that you have reached the maximum serving amount from that specific dish. Please note that the max amount is 50,000 servings! You either need to store the dish in your fridge or wholesale all of them to create new space for more servings.

Stove Dishes

These dishes are available for cooking on the stoves, and can be cooked using coins. Kitchenwares are given upon starting to cook, while XP are given after the dish is served.

Below is a list of all the main/cash dishes in Caféland, available in your Cookbook.

General Dishes

These dishes are unlocked by levelling up and generate XP and possibly Kitchenware.

Icon Name Level Cost to Cook Time needed (h.m:s) XP earned Price per sell Number of servings Profit Profit / Time (Sec) Coins / XP
Hamburger Hamburger 1 20 00.00:10 10 5 10 30 3 3
Frenchfries French Fries 2 40 00.01:00 15 6 20 80 1.333 5.3
Hamsandwich Ham Sandwich 2 60 00.02:00 25 5 15 15 0.125 0.6
Hotdog Hotdog 2 80 00.03:00 41 4 30 40 0.222 1
Tomatosoup Tomato Soup 2 130 00.04:00 57 5 40 70 0.292 1.2
Pizza Pizza 3 230 00.05:00 90 6 65 160 0.533 1.8
Carrotsalad Carrot Salad 3 300 00.10:00 103 7 75 225 0.375 2.2
Chickenenchilada Chicken Enchilada 4 440 00.15:00 144 8 110 440 0.489 3.1
Tunafishsalad Tuna Fish Salad 4 560 00.30:00 168 10 135 790 0.439 4.7
Cremecaramel Creme Caramel 5 690 01.00:00 179 11 155 1015 16.917 5.7
Strawberrycupcake Strawberry Cupcake 5 1300 02.00:00 234 12 220 1340 11.167 5.7
Crabmacaroni Crab Macaroni 6 1400 03.00:00 257 14 265 2310 12.833 9
Breakfastplate Breakfast Plate 6 1500 04.00:00 266 15 360 3900 16.25 14.7
Combofajitas Combo Fajitas 7 1550 06.00:00 278 18 365 5020 13.944 18.1
Mapleroastedacornsquash Maple Roasted Acorn Squash 7 1550 08.00:00 278 20 415 6750 14.063 24.3
Grilledsteak Grilled Steak 8 2200 10.00:00 1050 5 660 1100 1.833 1
Macaroons Macaroons 8 2450 12.00:00 1034 6 685 1660 2.306 1.6
Turkishchickenkebab Turkish Chicken Kebab 9 3100 16.00:00 1110 7 755 2185 2.276 2
Gorgonzolacheesecakewithpear Gorgonzola Cheesecake with Pear 9 3400 20.00:00 1100 8 815 3120 2.6 2.8
Chocolatechipcookies Chocolate Chip Cookies 10 3600 24.00:00 1094 9 860 4140 2.875 3.8
Sushirolls Sushi Rolls 11 4600 48.00:00 1430 11 1185 8435 2.929 5.9
Cherrycupcake Cherry Cupcake 12 220 00.05:00 38 11 30 110 0.367 2.9
Wontonswithyoghurt Wontons with Yoghurt 13 310 00.10:00 54 13 45 275 0.458 5.1
Chickenschnitzel Chicken Schnitzel 14 400 00.15:00 65 14 60 440 0.489 6.8
Applecheddarquiche Apple Cheddar Quiche 15 560 00.30:00 87 16 90 880 0.489 10.1
Mexicantaco Mexican Taco 16 630 00.45:00 97 19 115 1555 0.576 16
Fiddleheadcarbonara Fiddlehead Carbonara 17 480 01.00:00 290 5 195 495 8.25 1.7
Stuffedeggplant Stuffed Eggplant 18 690 02.00:00 384 6 265 900 7.5 2.3
Chocolatesouffle Chocolate Souffle 19 920 03.00:00 437 7 315 1285 7.139 2.9
Salmonandcorncakes Salmon and Corn Cakes 20 1650 04.00:00 462 8 355 1190 4.958 2.6
Chickenwithrice Chicken with Rice 21 1900 06.00:00 518 10 420 2300 6.389 4.4
Cinnamonswirlbread Cinnamon Swirl Bread 22 2100 08.00:00 542 11 475 3125 6.51 5.8
Chocolatecake Chocolate Cake 23 2150 10.00:00 540 13 515 4545 7.575 8.4
Applepie Apple Pie 24 2150 12.00:00 518 14 550 5550 7.708 10.7
Sunshinetoast Sunshine Toast 25 2550 16.00:00 534 15 625 6825 7.109 12.8
Vietnamesebbqpulledpork Vietnamese BBQ Pulled Pork 26 2100 20.00:00 510 19 685 10915 9.096 21.4
Bakedpotato Baked Potato 27 1950 24.00:00 470 23 735 14955 10.385 31.8
Asparaguscheesesandwich Asparagus Cheese Sandwich 28 4250 48.00:00 2486 5 1465 3075 1.068 1.2
Roastchicken Roast Chicken 29 160 00.05:00 55 6 40 80 0.267 1.5
Blueberrymuffin Blueberry Muffin 30 250 00.10:00 81 7 60 170 0.283 2.1
Belgianwaffle Belgian Waffle 31 330 00.15:00 98 8 75 270 0.3 2.8
Frenchonionsoup French Onion Soup 32 490 00.30:00 134 9 105 455 0.253 3.4
Honeypancake Honey Pancake 33 600 00.45:00 153 11 130 830 0.307 5.4
Loquatswithcottagecheese Loquats with Cottage Cheese 34 700 01.00:00 164 12 150 1100 18.333 6.7
Bbqchickenandcheesewrap BBQ Chicken & Cheese Wrap 34 1200 02.00:00 212 14 215 1810 15.083 8.5
Springsalad Spring Salad 34 1300 03.00:00 230 15 260 2600 14.444 11.3
Spinachsalad Spinach Salad 37 1350 04.00:00 230 18 295 3960 16.5 17.2
Parmesantortillachips Parmesan Tortilla Crisps 38 1400 06.00:00 242 15 360 4000 11.111 16.5
Panzanella Panzanella 39 2000 08.00:00 934 5 585 925 1.927 1
Bruschettaallaromana Bruschetta Alla Romana 40 2300 10.00:00 940 6 620 1420 2.367 1.5
Tiramisucake Tiramisu Cake 41 2550 12.00:00 938 7 650 2000 2.778 2.1
Roastbeef Roast Beef 42 3150 16.00:00 982 8 725 2650 2.76 2.7
Lambchops Lamb Chops 43 3400 20.00:00 990 9 785 3665 3.054 3.7
Fishandchips Fish and Chips 44 3550 24.00:00 974 11 835 5635 3.913 5.8
Friedcalamari Fried Calamari 45 4400 48.00:00 1238 12 1155 9460 3.285 7.6
Friedoysters Fried Oysters 46 230 00.05:00 36 13 30 160 0.533 4.4
Doughnuts Doughnuts 47 320 00.10:00 51 14 45 310 0.517 6.1
Lemontart Lemon Tart 48 410 00.15:00 61 16 60 550 0.611 9
Croissants Croissants 49 560 00.30:00 79 17 90 970 0.539 12.3
Shrimpscampi Shrimp Scampi 50 420 00.45:00 244 5 165 405 0.15 1.7
Broccolisoup Broccoli Soup 51 530 01.00:00 262 6 185 580 9.667 2.2
Chinesevegnoodle Chinese Veg Noodle 52 720 02.00:00 348 7 255 1065 8.875 3.1
Herosandwich Hero Sandwich 53 1500 03.00:00 395 8 305 940 5.222 2.4
Dolmades Dolmades 54 1650 04.00:00 414 10 340 1750 7.292 4.2
Guacamoleomelette Guacamole Omelette 55 1850 06.00:00 458 11 405 2605 7.236 5.7
Cauliflowerandchickpeacurry Cauliflower and Chickpea Curry 56 2250 08.00:00 486 12 460 3270 6.813 6.7
Duckwithorange Duck with Orange 57 2300 10.00:00 480 14 500 4700 7.833 9.8
Grilledfish Grilled Fish 58 1950 12.00:00 458 17 540 7230 10.042 15.8
Gingerbreadcookies Gingerbread Cookies 59 1950 16.00:00 454 19 610 9640 10.042 21.2
Strawberryshortcake Strawberry Shortcake 60 1800 20.00:00 430 23 670 13610 11.342 31.7
Strawberryjelly Strawberry Jelly 61 3250 24.00:00 1718 5 1030 1900 1.319 1.1
Smokedsalmonpasta Smoked Salmon Pasta 62 4500 48.00:00 2198 6 1385 3810 1.323 1.7
Garammasalasteak Garam Masala Steak 63 170 00.05:00 48 7 35 75 0.25 1.6
Lasagnabolognese Lasagna Bolognese 64 260 00.10:00 74 8 55 180 0.3 2.4
Lambburger Lamb Burger 65 350 00.15:00 88 9 70 280 0.311 3.2
Cranberrycreampie Cranberry Cream Pie 66 520 00.30:00 125 11 105 635 0.353 5.1
Mushroomsoup Mushroom Soup 67 610 00.45:00 141 12 125 890 0.33 6.3
Avocadoandtunatapas Avocado and Tuna Tapas 68 690 01.00:00 148 14 145 1340 22.333 9.1
Broccoliwithcheetos Broccoli with Cheetos 69 1150 02.00:00 190 15 210 2000 16.667 10.5
Raspberrycake Raspberry Cake 70 1200 03.00:00 203 18 255 3390 18.833 16.7
Hokkaidoseaurchin Hokkaido Sea Urchin 71 1200 04.00:00 202 20 290 4600 19.167 22.8
Garlicbutterlobster Garlic Butter Lobster 72 1030 06.00:00 794 5 505 1495 4.153 1.9
Stuffedpeppers Stuffed Peppers 73 2100 08.00:00 830 6 555 1230 2.563 1.5
Raspberryflan Raspberry Flan 74 2350 10.00:00 850 7 595 1815 3.025 2.1
Asparagusrisotto Asparagus Risotto 75 2550 12.00:00 842 8 625 2450 3.403 2.9
Sausagepinwheels Sausage Pinwheels 76 3100 16.00:00 886 9 700 3200 3.333 3.6
Obatzter Obatzter 77 3300 20.00:00 890 11 760 5060 4.217 5.7
Mushroomandzucchinienchiladas Mushroom and Zucchini Enchiladas 78 3400 24.00:00 854 12 810 6320 4.389 7.4
Sausageplate Sausage Plate 79 4150 48.00:00 1094 14 1125 11600 4.028 10.6
Sloppyjoes Sloppy Joes 81 230 00.05:00 33 13 25 95 0.317 2.9
Thailemonshrimp Thai Lemon Shrimp 83 350 00.10:00 50 15 45 325 0.542 6.5
Smokedturkeybreast Smoked Turkey Breast 85 410 00.15:00 56 17 55 525 0.583 9.4
Raspberrymarshmallows Raspberry Marshmallows 87 350 00.30:00 191 5 130 300 0.167 1.6
Pistachiobaklava Pistachio Baklava 89 460 00.45:00 220 5 155 315 0.117 1.4
Neopolitanicecream Neopolitan Ice Cream 91 580 01.00:00 237 7 175 645 10.75 2.7
Applegalettes Apple Galettes 93 820 02.00:00 316 8 245 1140 9.5 3.6
Mushroomtagliatelle Mushroom Tagliatelle 95 1450 03.00:00 356 10 290 1450 8.056 4.1
Bonbonpie Bon Bon Pie 97 1600 04.00:00 374 11 330 2030 8.458 5.4
Lambmeatballs Lamb Meatballs 99 2000 06.00:00 416 12 395 2740 7.611 6.6
Currymussels Curry Mussels 101 1850 08.00:00 422 14 445 4380 9.125 10.4
Raspberrymuffins Raspberry Muffins 103 2150 10.00:00 420 15 490 5200 8.667 12.4
Springrolls Spring Rolls 105 2050 12.00:00 398 18 525 7400 10.278 18.6
Baconcanape Bacon Canape 107 1650 16.00:00 374 23 595 12035 12.536 32.2
Grilledbananasplit Grilled Banana Split 109 2850 20.00:00 1550 5 940 1850 1.542 1.2
Baconeggcups Bacon Egg Cups 111 3500 24.00:00 1526 6 975 2350 1.632 1.5
Starcookies Star Cookies 113 4700 48.00:00 2006 7 1325 4575 1.589 2.3
Chickenwontoncups Chicken Wonton Cups 115 250 00.05:00 31 16 25 150 0.5 4.8
Cornsoup Corn Soup 117 360 00.10:00 43 17 40 320 0.533 7.4
Crispyegg Crispy Egg 119 270 00.15:00 113 6 80 210 0.233 1.9
Elephantcookies Elephant Cookies 121 430 00.30:00 158 7 115 375 0.208 2.4
Crustedlambchops Crusted Lamb Chops 123 540 00.45:00 182 8 140 580 0.215 3.2
Tomatoquiche Tomato Quiche 125 640 01.00:00 197 10 160 960 16 4.9
Strawberryshortcakeskewers Strawberry Shortcake Skewers 127 1350 02.00:00 260 11 225 1125 9.375 4.3
Appletartlets Apple Tartlets 129 1500 03.00:00 290 12 275 1800 10 6.2
Veggiepizza Veggie Pizza 131 1600 04.00:00 298 14 310 2740 11.417 9.2
Cucumbersoup Cucumber Soup 133 1750 06.00:00 320 15 375 3875 10.764 12.1
Purplepotatopancakes Purple Potato Pancakes 135 1500 08.00:00 318 19 425 6575 13.698 20.7
Chickenpotpie Chicken Pot Pie 137 1700 10.00:00 310 20 470 7700 12.833 24.8
Chocolatesandwichcoookies Chocolate Sandwich Cookies 139 2450 12.00:00 1034 6 685 1660 2.306 1.6
Almondtart Almond Tart 141 3100 16.00:00 1110 7 755 2185 2.276 2
Escargotswithgarlic Escargots with Garlic 143 3400 20.00:00 1110 8 815 3120 2.6 2.8
Caramelpuffpastry Caramel Puff Pastry 145 3600 24.00:00 1094 9 860 4140 2.875 3.8
Tofufries Tofu Fries 147 4600 48.00:00 1430 11 1185 8435 2.929 5.9

Cash Dishes

These dishes requires Cash to be unlocked in addition to level but once unlocked are cooked using coins. While they do not give Kitchenware, they tend to yield more profit and/or experience than the General dishes of the same level. Below is a list of all the cash dishes in Caféland, also available in your Cookbook.

Icon Name Level & Cash Cost to Cook Time needed (h.m:s) XP earned Price per sell Number of servings Profit Profit / Time (Sec) Coins / XP
Pott Haunted House 6 + 100 Cash 1800 04.00:00 320 15 360 3600 15 11.3
Pott Tree of Wishes 7 + 50 Cash 2445 10.00:00 1167 6 773 2193 3.655 1.9
Pott Cake of Wonders 10 + 50 Cash 2445 10.00:00 1167 6 773 2193 3.655 1.9
Pott Underwater Jello 10 + 125 Cash 2580 16.00:00 1332 18 650 9120 9.5 6.8
Creamycastle Creamy Castle 10 + 200 Cash 1640 19.00:00 1400 15 720 9160 8.035 6.5
Butterflykiss Butterfly Kiss 12 + 175 cash 2800 24.00:00 1831 8 900 4400 3.056 2.4
Pott American Flag Shortcake 14 + 175 Cash 2800 24.00:00 1831 8 900 4400 3.056 2.4
Pott Snowy Cake 14 + 175 Cash 2800 24.00:00 1831 8 900 4400 3.056 2.4
Jumpybeans Jumpy Beans 15 + 175 Cash 2800 24.00:00 1831 8 900 4400 3.056 2.4
Pott Anniversary Cake 16 + 175 Cash 2800 24.00:00 1831 8 900 4400 3.056 2.4
Pott Boo Cake 18 + 150 Cash 1840 12.00:00 480 22 400 6960 9.667 14.5
Clchefscake CL Chef's Cake 20 + 150 Cash 1840 12.00:00 480 22 400 6960 9.667 14.5
Pott Waterfall Cake 22 2580 16.00:00 1332 18 650 9120 9.5 6.8
Sailinsoup Sail'in Soup 25 + 125 Cash 2580 16.00:00 1332 18 650 9120 9.5 6.8
Pott Wobbly Bubbly 25 + # Cash 2580 16.00:00 1332 18 650 9120 9.5 6.8
Millersbread Miller's Bread 30 + 175 cash 2800 24.00:00 1831 8 900 4400 3.056 2.4
Pott Wheel of Cake 35 + # Cash 1840 12.00:00 480 22 400 6960 9.667 14.5

Kitchenware Dishes

These dishes work similarly to Stove Dishes, however, they are unlocked by collecting a certain about of Kitchenware or paying 1 cash per missing kitchenware (for premature unlocking).

Although kitchenware dishes are unlocked by earning kitchenware, the dishes themselves do not earn the player any kitchenware upon cooking.

Potfork Rewards

Icon Name Potforks Needed Cost to Cook Time needed (h.m:s) XP earned Price per sell Number of servings Profit Profit / Time (Sec) Coins / XP
Bagelsandwich Bagel Sandwich 100 1080 12.00:00 821 8 1125 7920 11 9.6
Tonkotsuramen Tonkotsu Ramen 250 2410 17.00:00 1252 6 745 2060 2.02 1.6
Chickenalmondpilaf Chicken Almond Pilaf 500 2950 23.00:00 1654 6 1490 5990 4.341 3.6
Pennearrabbiata Penne Arrabbiata 500 2520 16.00:00 1110 7 1000 4480 4.667 4
Shumaidumplings Shu Mai Dumplings 500 1990 06.00:00 663 8 470 1770 4.917 2.7
Spinachravioli Spinach Ravioli 1000 860 00.30:00 116 15 100 640 0.356 5.5
Peapestocrostini Pea Pesto Crostini 1000 1180 05.00:00 409 10 560 4420 14.733 10.8
Panettone Panettone 1000 570 20.00:00 1197 6 1575 8880 7.4 7.4
Salmonblini Salmon Blini 2000 1610 24.00:00 1042 10 620 4590 3.188 4.4

Cleaver Rewards

Icon Name Cleavers Needed Cost to Cook Time needed (h.m:s) XP earned Price per sell Number of servings Profit Profit / Time (Sec) Coins / XP
Beefstroganoff Beef Stroganoff 100 820 13.00:00 813 7 1070 6670 8.551 8.2
Potatosoup Potato Soup 250 2450 72.00:00 3757 3 1815 2995 0.693 0.8
Ranchbeans Ranch Beans 500 970 01.00:00 169 13 120 590 9.833 3.5
Stuffedartichoke Stuffed Artichoke 500 2050 22.00:00 1525 5 1240 4150 3.144 2.7
Tempuraudon Tempura Udon 500 1240 02.00:00 311 10 210 860 7.167 2.8
Corndog Corn Dog 1000 2390 24.00:00 1569 5 1060 2910 2.021 1.9
Cordonbleu Cordon Bleu 1000 1200 03.00:00 319 10 190 700 3.889 2.2
Spaghettiwithmeatballs Spaghetti with Meatballs 1000 1740 11.00:00 779 7 445 1375 2.083 1.8
Mushroomomelette Mushroom Omelette 2000 2280 48.00:00 1663 10 950 7220 2.507 4.3

Ladle Rewards

Icon Name Ladles Needed Cost to Cook Time needed (h.m:s) XP earned Price per sell Number of servings Profit Profit / Time (Sec) Coins / XP
Breadbowlsoup Bread Bowl Soup 100 1440 08.00:00 800 6 460 1320 2.75 1.7
Tamale Tamale 250 2410 18.00:00 1304 6 745 2060 1.907 1.6
Parmesanrisotto Parmesan Risotto 500 1810 07.00:00 756 7 615 2495 5.94 3.3
Grilledsalmonfillets Grilled Salmon Fillet 500 2060 15.00:00 1079 6 930 3520 3.911 3.3
Vealossobucco Veal Osso Bucco 500 1810 09.00:00 926 6 590 1730 3.204 1.9
Stuffedportobellomushroom Stuffed Portobello Mushroom 1000 750 00.45:00 141 13 90 420 0.156 3
Broccolicornbread Broccoli CornBread 1000 470 00.15:00 59 16 65 570 0.633 9.7
Quincedessert Quince Dessert 1000 1640 19.00:00 1153 5 620 1460 1.281 1.3
Feijoada Feijoada 2000 2670 96.00:00 2204 10 1185 9180 1.594 4.2

Spatula Rewards

Icon Name Spatulas Needed Cost to Cook Time needed (h.m:s) XP earned Price per sell Number of servings Profit Profit / Time (Sec) Coins / XP
Lahmajoun Lahmajoun 100 530 21.00:00 1187 6 1465 8260 6.556 7
Rainbowjellies Rainbow Jellies 250 2740 48.00:00 2651 4 1425 2960 1.028 1.1
Grilledcatfish Grilled Catfish 500 450 00.10:00 61 16 45 270 0.45 4.4
Unagikabayaki Unagi Kabayaki 500 1740 16.00:00 1312 5 965 3085 3.214 2.4
Confitdecanard Confit de Canard 500 1540 10.00:00 1070 5 615 1535 2.558 1.4
Cornandtomatopie Corn and Tomato Pie 1000 430 00.05:00 28 24 35 410 1.367 14.6
Icecreamprofiteroles Ice Cream Profiteroles 1000 900 04.00:00 441 8 490 3020 12.583 6.8
Crumpetswithsyrup Crumpets with Syrup 1000 2370 96.00:00 3798 3 1835 3135 0.544 0.8
Charlottecake Charlotte Cake 2000 2900 96.00:00 2795 10 1350 10600 1.84 3.8

Gift-only Dishes

These dishes are not available for cooking, but can be gained as gifts from friends or awards in the Lucky Chef Spin. They do not have a cost to cook or serve. While the number of servings may vary, each gifted dish has a fixed value of 1 000 coins.

Icon Dish Name Servings
Best Friends Forever 50
Birthday Cake 50
Celebration Cake 50
Fruit Plate 50
Fruit Punch 50
Hot Buttered Corn 50
Ice Cream 50
Kitty Brownie 50
Lucky Cake 50
Panda Vanilla 50
Party Cake 50
Pink Hearts 50
Puppy Cake 50
Rainbow Cake 50
Rainbow Jello 50
Rainbow Pancakes 50
Romantic Wedding 50
Soccer Lover 50
Strawberry Pops 50
Sushi Plate 50
Welcome Cake 50
You're My Angel 50

Seasonal Dishes

The following dishes are offered for a limited time only as gifts.

Icon Name Season Unlocked Servings
Food gift cake 48
Nian Gao Chinese New Year
Manchu Cupcake Chinese New Year
Food gift cake 49
Double Bun Cupcake Chinese New Year
Lovers Cake Valentine's Day
Food gift cake 46
Cupid Muffin Valentine's Day
Food gift cake 45
Valentine Cupcake Valentine's Day
Heart Cake Valentine's Day
True Romance Valentine's Day
Food gift cake 55
Shamrock Muffin St. Patrick's Day
Food gift cake 56
Chocolate Bunny Easter
Bunny Cupcake Easter
Mum Cupcake Mother's Day
Special Mom Cake Mother's Day
Daddy Cool Father's Day
Food gift cake 67
Sweetest Dad Father's Day
Food gift cake 58
World's Best Dad Father's Day
Summer Cake Summer Season
Food gift cake 59
Independence Cupcake 4th of July
Autumn Cake Fall Season
Bride of Frankenstein Cake Halloween and Frankenstein Day
Frankenstein Cake Halloween and Frankenstein Day
Little Franky Pops Halloween and Frankenstein Day
Spiderweb Cake Halloween
Mini Pumpkin Cupcake Halloween
Sugar Tomb Halloween
Chocolate Pumpkin Ball Halloween
Hollow Pumpkin Halloween
Red Demon Halloween
Eyeball Soup Halloween
Zombie Hand Halloween
Laughing Jelly Halloween
Thanksgiving Turkey Thanksgiving
Turkey Cupcake Thanksgiving
Sufganiyot Hanukkah
Food gift cake 42
Christmas Pudding Christmas
Pine Cupcake Christmas
Food gift cake 40
Gingerbread House Christmas
Food gift cake 39
Santa's Special Christmas
Food gift cake 38
Xmas Hug Christmas
Candy Cane Bucket Christmas
Olympic Cupcake Olympics
Goodwill Cake ???
Bomb Cake ???

Award Dishes

These dishes are not available for cooking, but can be gained as awards from seasonal Quests and the Taste Traffic Challenges. They do not have a cost to cook or serve. Each awarded dish has a set number of 3,000 servings and sells for 100 coins per serving.

Award dishes are served on gold-rimmed plating.

Icon Dish Name Servings
Asian Rib with Wasabi
Balsamic Glazed Steak
Blackberry Cabernet Sorbet
Caprese Salad Tower
Coconut Shell Salad
Cold Watermelon Puzzle
Kataifi-Wrapped Shrimps
Lobster Mix in Egg Cups
Meatballs with Pretzel
Peacock Cupcake
Prosciutto-Wrapped Melon
Red Velvet Custard
Sesame Brussel Sprouts
Spiced Pork in Seashells